To give you an idea of the caliber of our curriculum, the following are some of the classes Gems have enjoyed: Dear G- d: What Have You Done for Me Lately? - Dr. Lisa Aiken (author of "To Be a Jewish Woman" and other titles) The Inner Self - Rebbetzin Gila Manolson (author of "Outside/Inside" and "The Magic Touch") Keys To Greatness - Rebbetzin Altusky, long- time teacher and daughter of Rabbi Pincus Sheinberg, A Torah Giant of Our Generation The Magic of Shabbos Candles - Rebbetzin Denah Weinberg, Dean of EYAHT, Aish HaTorah's College of Jewish Studies for Women Happiness: What Is It and How Do I Get It? - - Rabbi Motty Berger "Ways of the Righteous" - Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller (author of many books including her latest, "Let's Face It, The 8 Essential Challenges of Living") Creation and Intelligent Design - Dr. Gerald Schroeder (author of "Genesis and the Big Bang" and "The Science of God") The Jewish View on Death, Mourning, Reincarnation and The Afterlife - Dr. Lisa Aiken Intro to Jewish History & Historical Jerusalem and Jerusalem Today - Rabbi Ken Spiro (author of "Worldperfect") From India to Israel - Sarah Rigler (regular Aish.com contributor and the author of the new book "Holy Woman") Judaism and Sexuality - Rebbetzin Meira Svirsky, author of a book on this subject going to press soon. How To Get Your Prayers Answered - Rabbi Noah Weinberg, Dean of Aish HaTorah College of Jewish Studies Mastering Joy - Rabbi Zelig Pliskin (counselor and author of numerous books including "Anger: The Inner Teacher" and "Building Your Self- Image") Israel and the Middle East - Rabbi Motty Berger I'm A Good Person. Why Bother with Jewish Law? - Rabbi Michael Kahane Suffering, Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? - Rabbi Asher Resnick Daughters of The King - Mrs. F. Ben Shalom Challah Baking - Mrs. R. Gutman Where Is God? - Rabbi Efim Svirsky (author of "Connection, Emotional and Spiritual Growth Through Experiencing God's Presence") Judaism and Feminism - Mrs. C. Legumsky Five Levels of Pleasure - Rabbi Stuart Schwartz The Definition of Freedom - Mrs. C. Koenig |