Function SendNotification_email (firstname, hebrewname, lastname, birthdate , age, placebirth, arrivalDateIsrael, departureDateIsrael, permAddressAbroad, homephone, email, citizenship, passportnum, socialsecuritynum, mothersname , fathersname, jewish, notjewish, fathersoccupation, mothersoccupation, married, divorced, other, yearseducation, schoolsattended, VirtuallyNone, JewishDaySchool, YeshivaHighSchool, SundaySchoolpre13, SundaySchoolpost13 , Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, Unaffiliated, RecentlyObservant, memberjewishorg, beeninIsrael, birthright, aishprogs, whichaishprogs, hearprogram, takingmedication, prevtakingmedication, elabtakingmedication, lifepriorities, submit1 )
'Set up mailing object
Dim Mailer, body
set Mailer=server.createobject("SMTPsvg.Mailer")
Mailer.RemoteHost = const_Mailer_remoteHost
Mailer.FromName = ""
Mailer.FromAddress = "delete@aish.com"
Mailer.Subject = "Application form for Intermediate Beis Medrash Program"
'Mailer.AddRecipient "","ljacobowitz@aish.com"
Mailer.AddRecipient "","sgoldberg@aish.com"
Mailer.AddRecipient "","drabinowitz2@gmail.com"
'Response.Write("elgraduate: " & elgraduate)
' Response.Write("
highgraduate: "& highgraduate)
' Response.Write("Position and/or honors attained in the Organization:"&posorg)
'for debug
'Mailer.AddCC "","csorscher@aish.com"
Mailer.ContentType = "text/html"
body = "
" & _ " |
" & vbCrLf & _
" First Name (please include middle name): "&firstname&" " & _
"Hebrew Name (please include middle name): " & hebrewname & " " & _
"Last Name: "&lastname&" " & _
"Date of Birth:"&birthdate&" " & _
"Age: "&age&" " & _
"Place of Birth"&placebirth&" " & _
"Anticipated date of Arrival in Israel:"&arrivalDateIsrael&" " & _
"Anticipated date of departure:"&departureDateIsrael&" " & _
"Permanent Address Abroad:"&permAddressAbroad&" " & _
"Phone Number:"&homephone&" " & _
"email:"&email&" " & _
"Citizenship:"&citizenship&" " & _
"Passport Number:"&passportnum&" " & _
"Social Security No."&socialsecuritynum&" " & _
"Mothers Full Name:"&mothersname&" " & _
"Fathers Full Name:"&fathersname&" " & _
"Was your mother born Jewish? " 'response.write " Line 49:" & body if jewish="yes" then body = body &"Yes, mother born Jewish " else body = body &"No, mother not born Jewish " end if body = body & " If not, please give details (i.e. converted, etc. " & _ " " & _ " Father's Occupation"&fathersoccupation&" " & _
"Mother's Occupation"&mothersoccupation&" " & _
"Parents Marital Status: " if married="married" then body = body & "married " else body = body & "married " end if if divorced="divorced" then body = body & "divorced " else body = body & "divorced " end if if other="other" then body = body & "other " else body = body & "other " end if body = body & " Years of education completed (starting with 1st grade):"&yearseducation&" " & _
"List all post-high / secondary schools you have attended: (School, Major, Dates, Gradutated?, Honors?) " & _ " " & _ " What Jewish Education have you had? " body = body & " " 'if VirtuallyNone="VirtuallyNone" then 'body = body & "VirtuallyNone " 'else 'body = body & "VirtuallyNone " 'end if 'if JewishDaySchool="JewishDaySchool" then ' body = body & "JewishDaySchool " 'else 'body = body & "JewishDaySchool " 'end if 'if YeshivaHighSchool="YeshivaHighSchool" then 'body = body & "YeshivaHighSchool " 'else 'body = body & "YeshivaHighSchool " 'end if 'if SundaySchoolpre13="SundaySchoolpre13" then 'body = body & "SundaySchoolpre13 " 'else 'body = body & "SundaySchoolpre13 " 'end if 'if SundaySchoolpost13="SundaySchoolpost13" then 'body = body & "SundaySchoolpost13 " 'else 'body = body & "SundaySchoolpost13 " 'end if body = body & " Your Jewish Orientation: " if Reform="Reform" then body = body & "Reform " else body = body & "Reform " end if if Conservative="Conservative" then body = body & "Conservative " else body = body & "Conservative " end if if Orthodox="Orthodox" then body = body & "Orthodox " else body = body & "Orthodox " end if if Unaffiliated="Unaffiliated" then body = body & "Unaffiliated " else body = body & "Unaffiliated " end if if RecentlyObservant="RecentlyObservant" then body = body & "RecentlyObservantbr>" else body = body & "RecentlyObservant " end if body = body & " Have you been a member of Jewish organizations? " if memberjewishorg="yes" then body = body &"Yes, member of jewish organization " else body = body &"No, not member of jewish organization " end if body = body &" Have you ever been to Israel? " if beeninIsrael="yes" then body = body &"Yes, I have been in Israel before " else body = body &"No, I have not been in Israel before " end if body = body & " Have you ever been on Birthright? " if beeninIsrael="yes" then body = body &"Yes, I have been on birthright before " else body = body &"No, I have not been on birthright before " end if body = body & " Have you ever been on any Aish programs? " if aishprogs="yes" then body = body &"Yes, I have been on an Aish program " else body = body &"No, I have not been on an Aish program " end if body = body & " If Yes, what program and when? " & _ " " & _ " How did you hear about the Intermediate Program?" & hearprogram & " " & _
"Are you currently taking any medication? " if takingmedication="yes" then body = body &"Yes, I am taking medication " else body = body &"No, I am not taking medication " end if body = body & " Have you previously taken any medication? " if prevtakingmedication="yes" then body = body &"Yes " else body = body &"No " end if body = body & " If Yes, please elaborate:"&elabtakingmedication&" " & _
"My 4 Life Priorities are: " & _ " " & _ " |
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